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Preparation of the application


Preparation of the application

In the second stage, advisers worked with the city: 

  • Mirosław MękarskiMirosław Mękarski
    A teacher, clerk, local government official, co-founder of several associations. Knowledge, professional experience and social activity related to education, culture, sport, tourism and social assistance. He worked in schools of various types, the school board of education, the commune office (Secretary), the city office (vice mayor), and the poviat starosty. He implemented projects, trying to cross the borders dividing various spheres, while connecting entities, institutions and sources of financing.  

  • Kazimierz PałaszKazimierz Pałasz
    He has been working in the local government for 25 years. For 16 years he was the president of the city. During this period (1994-2010), he represented the city in the Association of Polish Cities, for 12 years on the Board, including 8 years as the vice president of the Association. He was a representative of the union in the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Government, in the Public Procurement Council and in the Program Council of the "Polish Ecology Leader". For 8 years as a councilor of the Wielkopolska Province (2010-2018) he dealt with statutory issues, environmental protection and economy, as the chairman or vice-chairman of the committee, he was the vice-chairman of the Sejmik (regional parliament).  

  • Justyna Pietrzykowska Justyna Pietrzykowska
    Several years of experience in corporate banking, in the sector of large and medium-sized enterprises (structuring transactions based on innovative financial instruments, coordinating project finance projects, business negotiations, relationship management). Consultant for strategic and financial management and trainer for finances of local governments and European projects. In the Association of Polish Cities (ZMP), a member of the horizontal team for finance and institutional development.  

As part of the Local Development program, the Zgierz City Commune has prepared two strategic documents: the Local Development Plan and the Institutional Development Plan. 

Both plans are based on an analysis of the city's problems, potentials and strengths. They indicate strategic goals and operational goals. 

Vision of the City of Zgierz 

In 2030, Zgierz is an ecological city, clean and friendly to spend free time, created by residents for whom the quality of life, living, work and relaxation in the city is very high. Cultural and industrial heritage is our pride, we identify with the values of equality and diversity. 

Mission of the City of Zgierz 

Our mission is to bring about a situation when Zgierz is a friendly city to live, work, study and spend free time in, thanks to the dialogue with its inhabitants. 


(strategic goals, operational goals, results, projects) 
The main goal - Zgierz - a modern city after hours 

Strategic Objective 1 - New image of the city where you like to spend your free time 


  • emphasizing the value of cultural heritage in building the future of the city, 
  • creating a new image of the city based on symbols and values. 

Activities: Increasing the cultural potential of Zgierz 


  • creating the Zone of Ancient Crafts in the City of Weavers Cultural Park, 
  • transformation of the Children's Culture Center into the House of Hedgehog in Zgierz and meetings with children's literature, 
  • ongoing activities of the House of Hedgehog in Zgierz and meetings with children's literature, 
  • organization of the Weaver City Festival. 

Strategic objective 2 - Planned and ordered city space 


  • strengthening the spatial order in the city center and on the outskirts, 
  • development of small, green architecture, 
  • easier to get around the city center for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport, 
  • improving the appearance of the city center. 

Activities: Changing the use of urban space, Implementation of the Smart City assumptions 


  • change of traffic organization on Długa Street from the Home Army Street to Dąbrowski Street, 
  • installation of green street spas with the function of endless drinking water, 
  • improving the transport system in the city of Zgierz by introducing a new traffic organization, where priority will be given to public collective transport, 
  • reconstruction of the passage from Długa Street to the City Park, 
  • equipping communication stops with a dynamic passenger information system and City Light showcases, 
  • installation of light illuminations in urban space. 

Strategic Objective 3 - Developed and innovative economy supporting the social economy 


  • increasing the space for business development, 
  • greater participation of the city in building a strong social economy. 

Activities: Development of a strong and modern economy 


  • creating a space for the development of Zgierz entrepreneurs - Zgierski Start-up, 
  • renovation of Łaźnia (the Bathhouse) and creating a place for the development of social economy entities. 

Strategic Objective 4 - Decent and friendly living conditions for residents of all ages 


  • better bicycle infrastructure, 
  • better water and sewage infrastructure, 
  • reduction of energy losses by municipal buildings, 
  • a new space for spending free time by various social groups. 

Activities: Building social involvement in the city's affairs 


  • creation of the Youth Chillout Zone, 
  • adapting the building to the needs of the Zgierz Senior Center, 
  • implementing activities of the senior policy, 
  • creating Blooming Gardens in the City of Weavers. 

Strategic Objective 5 - A green and safe city 


  • improving the quality of the environment, 
  • getting closer to solving problems with landfills, 
  • coping with the effects of climate change (torrential downpours and flooding the city), 
  • development of green infrastructure. 

Activities: Restoration of the environmental balance 


  • creation of rainwater retention systems in housing estates, 
  • increasing the retention capacity in the flooded area of the city center, 
  • preparation of documentation for the implementation of thermal modernization of residential buildings at Dąbrowski Street in Zgierz, 
  • equipping municipal buildings with a water supply and sewage system, 
  • construction of bicycle paths in Zgierz, 
  • equipping public places with containers for selective waste collection (including with an underground system), 
  • determination of the current state of non-rehabilitated waste landfills, their impact on the environment as well as the technology and costs of their rehabilitation, 
  • construction of a singletrack MTB bicycle route system in the city forest in the vicinity of the Malinka resort. 

(strategic goals, operational goals, results, projects) 
The main goal - A friendly, modern and open office 

Strategic Objective 1 - New image of an official, office and organizational units of the Zgierz City Commune 


  • increasing the prestige of the employees of administrative units of the Zgierz City Commune, 
  • building a new image of the employees of administrative units of the Zgierz City Commune. 


  • preparation of the Social Development Strategy for the City of Zgierz 2040 and activities related to its implementation in Zgierz (Action: Implementation of programs and strategies of the City of Zgierz), 
  • extending the functionality of the application of the City of Zgierz (Action: Improving the functioning of local government units), 
  • systemic periodic surveys of the quality of services in local government institutions (Action: Improving the functioning of local government units), 
  • equipping employees of the Zgierz City Hall and organizational units with computer equipment and programs for current and remote work (Action: Improving the functioning of local government units). 

Strategic objective 2 - Modern administration management in the Zgierz City Commune 


  • Shared Services Center for administrative units of the Zgierz City Commune. 


  • establishing a Shared Services Center (Action: Establishing a Shared Services Center), 
  • managerial training for managerial and managerial staff (Action: Improving the functioning of local government units), 
  • creation and operation of the HR department (Action: Improving the functioning of local government units). 

Strategic Objective 3 - Administrative units of the Zgierz City Commune open to foreigners and people with disabilities - Zgierz otwarty 


  • Zgierz is a city attractive for foreigners and the disabled. Administration open to everyone. 


  • conducting language training (Action: Improving the functioning of local government units), 
  • appointing a team of leaders and accessibility leaders for the institution of the City of Zgierz Commune (Action: Improving the functioning of local government units), 
  • equipping the Zgierz City Hall with an elevator (Action: Improving the functioning of local government units). 

Strategic Objective 4 - Inhabitants as partners in city management 


  • residents of the Zgierz City Commune who actively participate in making decisions concerning their city. 


  • development of the Youth Policy of the Gmina of the City of Zgierz (Action: Implementation of the programs and strategies of the City of Zgierz), 
  • introducing the Zgierz Resident Card of Zgierz (Action: Implementation of the programs and strategies of the City of Zgierz), 
  • conducting an audit and preparing a program for the development of a smart city in Zgierz (Action: Implementation of programs and strategies for the city of Zgierz), 
  • establishing the Office for Social Participation and NGOs (Action: Improving the functioning of local government units). 

We would like to thank the team that prepared the application, the advisers of the Association of Polish Cities: Justyna Pietrzykowska, Mirosław Mękarski, Kazimierz Pałasz and all residents who actively participated in the preparation of this application for their commitment and enormous amount of work. 

We would like to thank the team that prepared the application, the advisers of the Association of Polish Cities: Justyna Pietrzykowska, Mirosław Mękarski, Kazimierz Pałasz and all residents who actively participated in the preparation of this application for their commitment and enormous amount of work. 

Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved by Miasto Zgierz

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