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The project "Zgierz - a modern city after hours" is coming to an end. One of its visible effects in the last phase is the launch of the websit, presenting the project results. From now on, we publish news related to the implementation of individual projects only on...
Further documents, extremely important for the development of the city, were adopted by the Zgierz City Council. The following were approved: "Development Strategy of the City of Zgierz for 2023-2030 with a perspective until 2040" and "City Development Program based on the Smart City concept". The...
Fifteen partners signed the documents of agreement with the City under the Zgierz Resident Card on Friday, January 26. The agreed cooperation assumes benefits for users of the city's loyalty program, offered not only by local government units, but also by companies operating in the city. The...
The main assumptions of the recently developed "Youth Policy of the Commune of Zgierz" were presented to the owners of local companies of Zgierz. The presentation mainly concerned the gastronomic and shopping offer in the city, assessed by local youth.
Elderly people can feel really good in Zgierz: there is no shortage of cultural and recreational attractions for them, and the recently opened new Zgierz Senior Center (Narutowicza 29 street) is an ideal place for meetings and spending free time. On Saturday, November 4, we celebrated Seniors' Day...
Work on the Development Strategy for the City of Zgierz for 2023-2030 with a perspective until 2040 is coming to an end. The document will indicate what actions will be taken in the near future to constantly improve the living conditions of the city's inhabitants. The document was created by an...
It was an extraordinary weekend (13-15/10/2023) for skating fans. After six stages of modernization activities, undertaken at a total cost of almost PLN 35 million, the multi-functional MOSiR sports hall in Zgierz was put into use. The biggest attraction of the opening was, of course, the slide,...
There has never been such a party in Zgierz! In the evening of the last day of August (31.08.2023) Glitter Party took place in front of Stary Młyn (Old Mill). A bit like the well-known festival of colors, the young participants were sprinkled with glitter during the dance party. Music was provided...
We are continuing our activities aimed at the reclamation of the environmentally inert residues of the "Boruta" plant in Zgierz.
In line with the growing tradition of Zgierz, the ceremonial opening of the summer season took place on June 24-25 at the Malinka recreation center. Among the many attractions and surprises available to the participants of the weekend relaxation by the water, there were presentations of the City's...


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Stopnie alarmowe

Do 31 sierpnia 2024 roku obowiązują trzy stopnie alarmowe: 

Ceny wody i ścieków w Zgierzu

Aktualne stawki opłat za zbiorowe zaopatrzenie w wodę i zbiorowe odprowadzanie ścieków przez "Wodociągi i Kanalizacja-Zgierz" Sp. z o. o. wynoszą: ...

Odpady komunalne: harmonogramy odbioru, deklaracje i stawki

Harmonogramy odbioru odpadów: 

Godziny obsługi interesantów UMZ i USC

Urząd Miasta Zgierza (UMZ - pl. Jana Pawła II 16, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 3a, ul. ks. Sz. Rembowskiego 1) i Urząd Stanu Cywilnego (USC - ul. 1. Maja...

Zagubione zwierzęta, zwierzęta do adopcji

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Dyżury aptek

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