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The first agreements with partners of the Zgierz Resident Card have been signed!


The first agreements with partners of the Zgierz Resident Card have been signed!

Fifteen partners signed the documents of agreement with the City under the Zgierz Resident Card on Friday, January 26. The agreed cooperation assumes benefits for users of the city's loyalty program, offered not only by local government units, but also by companies operating in the city. The benefits for card partners include: promotion and better access to customers.

The first partners of the Zgierz Resident Card include the following Zgierz companies: Jawn-e (statutory auditor's office), Makom (wholesaler and office supplies store), newYou Clinic (aesthetic medicine clinic), Pojedli Popili (restaurant), SkyFit (fitness club) and Jubiler Spruch (jewelry store). Benefits for card users will also be offered by the following City units: MOSiR, MOK (Stary Młyn), MUK, MPGK, MPGM, WodKan, Zgierz City Museum, Children's Cultural Center, Municipal and District Public Library. In every of these places, residents of Zgierz who have a city card will receive discounts, rebates and occasional promotions.

The idea of the Zgierz Resident Card is to reward those who settle their taxes at the local tax office with benefits. Everyone registered or residing in Zgierz can submit applications for a card in physical (plastic) or electronic form, as a tab in the City of Zgierz mobile application. For now, there is no need to present proof of payment of taxes in Zgierz: the appropriate PIT form will only be required from May, when users will start extending their cards.

Among the numerous benefits, the list of which will expand, users can benefit from a significant discount on public transport. The Zgierz Resident Card is divided into several age groups, from the youngest to seniors. Private local companies that want to offer benefits to users can use the card to more easily reach selected target groups. All information about the Zgierz Resident Card (and how to apply for it) can be found at:

The Zgierz Resident Card was created as part of the "Zgierz - modern city after hours" project co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the Local Development program. 

See the photo gallery - Signing agreements with partners of the Zgierz Resident Card

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