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"Local Development" Program

Zgierz is one of the 29 cities that received funding from the "Local Development" program under the support of the Norwegian Funds and the EEA Financial Mechanism. The project "Zgierz - a modern city after hours" has been implemented since July 9, 2021. In October 2021, Waldemar Buda, Deputy Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy, signed an agreement to co-finance the project "Zgierz - a modern city after hours". The amount of co-financing amounted to slightly more than PLN 15 million. We are another city on the list of 29 winners in the "Local Development" program that received support from the Norwegian and EEA Funds. 

With the support of the EEA Financial Mechanism, Zgierz wants to become an ecological city by 2030 and created by residents for whom the quality of life, housing, work and relaxation in the city is very important. The city and the project partners also focus on the development of cultural and industrial heritage. 

Zgierz – a modern city after hours 

The city plans to create a green stop, a part of which will be a street spring with the function of non-contact water drinking, Blooming Gardens in the City of Weavers, or create a rainwater retention system. Thanks to the co-financing, new sections of pedestrian and bicycle routes will also be built. 

Zgierz will also create the Old Crafts Zone in the City of Weavers Cultural Park and will take care of relaxation and leisure for its residents. For this purpose, there will be Youth Chillout Zone and the new building of the Zgierz Senior Center will be equipped. 

Some of the most important projects include: the development of the "Development Strategy for the City of Zgierz for 2023-2030 with a perspective until 2040", the "Youth Policy of the Municipality of Zgierz" and the creation of the document "Determination of the current state of non-reclaimed landfills, their impact on the environment as well as technology and costs their reclamation", which will indicate the directions of reclamation of waste landfills in the area of "Boruta". 

Norway Grants and the EEA Financial Mechanism 

Cities, especially small and medium-sized ones, which are in a worse situation than larger centres, struggle with a number of environmental, economic, social and institutional problems. Comprehensive and coordinated actions are needed to, among other things, improve air quality, adapt to climate change, stop negative depopulation trends, respond to the needs of an aging society, create good conditions for the development of entrepreneurship or strengthen the efficiency of local administration. 

Residents expect cities as places friendly to live in, and the Local Development Program, financed under the third edition of the Norwegian Funds and the EEA Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021, supports local governments in their efforts to achieve this goal. 

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