In line with the growing tradition of Zgierz, the ceremonial opening of the summer season took place on June 24-25 at the Malinka recreation center. Among the many attractions and surprises available to the participants of the weekend relaxation by the water, there were presentations of the City's organizational units. We took advantage of this opportunity by putting up a tent where every interested one could learn everything about the project "Zgierz - a modern city after hours".
The project stand offered not only a wide range of information about activities undertaken as part of the implemented projects. Interested persons received an information folder as well as gifts - which were our design gadgets. The children were the most satisfied, because among the gifts there were inflatable balls, made especially for the opening of the holiday season, perfect for playing in the water and on the beach.
Among the visitors to the exhibited tent there were many people genuinely interested in the content of the project, its scope and the bunch of activities undertaken. We were happy to answer the questions asked, and we invited those willing to learn more about the ideas of our project to the Internet sources: the new city application and the Local Development webpage.
The presentation of our activities was planned as a promotional task for the project "Zgierz - a modern city after hours" implemented by the Municipality of Zgierz, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the "Local Development" Program.