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The renovated hall is a great attraction for the inhabitants of Zgierz


The renovated hall is a great attraction for the inhabitants of Zgierz

It was an extraordinary weekend (13-15/10/2023) for skating fans. After six stages of modernization activities, undertaken at a total cost of almost PLN 35 million, the multi-functional MOSiR sports hall in Zgierz was put into use. The biggest attraction of the opening was, of course, the slide, which was eagerly used by skaters of all ages. We took the opportunity to present our project: "Zgierz - a modern city after hours" to the weekend guests in the hall. 

The renovation of the multi-purpose hall is only part of a broader project to expand Zgierz's sports base: next to it, on the same premises of MOSiR, there is a modern (though smaller) hall named after Zgierz Olympians, opened in 2022. It is used by, among others: basketball players, volleyball players, martial arts enthusiasts. The construction of another, this time pneumatic, hall for winter football players has also started there. The Municipality of Zgierz obtained a significant part of the financial resources for these investments from external sources. 

Long-term activities are linked by the concept of changes in the city's operating philosophy: Zgierz is to be a friendly and modern place where people can spend their free time pleasantly after work or school. In order for residents to begin to notice an improvement in living conditions in their immediate surroundings, it is necessary to implement several parallel projects, including the expansion and modernization of sports facilities. But also the "Zgierz - modern city after hours" project, covering over thirty different singular tasks improving the quality of life in the city. 

The renovated hall is a great attraction for the inhabitants of ZgierzWe took advantage of the presence of many participants at the ceremonial opening of the multi-purpose hall to present our project in the space of the modernized facility. The Mayor of Zgierz, Przemysław Staniszewski, led the invited guests around the hall and explained to them the essence and importance of the activities carried out as part of the project. A Zgierz tent was erected there, and our "local hero" - the Hedgehog from Zgierz - while interacting with the participants of the slide, handed out leaflets describing the scope of the projects undertaken in the project. 

The local government activities we promote for the residents of Zgierz are carried out as part of the project "Zgierz - a modern city after hours" co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the Local Development program. 


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