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We have launched a website with the project results!


We have launched a website with the project results!

The project "Zgierz - a modern city after hours" is coming to an end. One of its visible effects in the last phase is the launch of the websit, presenting the project results. From now on, we publish news related to the implementation of individual projects only on the new website. 

project home page view

The new website contains not only key information about the "Local Development" Program (under which our project is co-financed), but also the financing rules provided for this program by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, thanks to the mechanisms of the European Economic Area funds and Norwegian funds. The "Zgierz - modern city after hours" project received an amount of nearly PLN 15 million for the implementation of the requested projects.

Thanks to the "News" tab on the new website, we communicate everything that is happening in the project in its final phase. In turn, in the "Results" tab we present the most visible effects of project activities, ready for presentation. There you can find a description of what is being created in Zgierz thanks to the "Local Development" Program - as well as detailed presentations of selected project results, such as the City of Zgierz application related to the Zgierz Resident Card, the new headquarters and activities of the Zgierz Senior Center, and the results of scientific research on the condition of landfills left after the former "Boruta" plant.

The website was created as part of the promotion of the project "Zgierz - a modern city after hours", implemented thanks to the "Local Development" Program co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved by Miasto Zgierz

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