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Contract for further study of landfills remained after "Boruta" facilities


Contract for further study of landfills remained after "Boruta" facilities

We are continuing our activities aimed at the reclamation of the environmentally inert residues of the "Boruta" plant in Zgierz.

Przemyslaw Staniszewski - the Mayor of Zgierz - is signing a contract

On Wednesday (26.07.2023) Przemyslaw Staniszewski - the Mayor of Zgierz - signed a contract for conducting research to determine the impact that the diagnosed contents of the landfill have on the environment. The purpose of the research work will also be to indicate methods and costs of reclamation.

Carrying out the study under the detailed title: "Determination of the impact on the environment, as well as the technology and costs of recultivation of the unreclosed landfills located on properties in Zgierz at Miroszewska Street, Łukasińskiego Street and Andrzeja Struga Street" will be performed by specialists from the Research Network of the Łukasiewicz-Lodz Technological Institute, who will provide us with the results of their research (recommended recultivation technology and projected costs) in December.

This is the second stage of the project titled "Determination of the current status of uncompleted landfills, their impact on the environment, and the technology and cost of their reclamation" under the project "Zgierz - Modern City after Hours" co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the "Local Development" program.

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