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Glitter Party - a "glitter party” for young inhabitants of Zgierz


Glitter Party - a "glitter party” for young inhabitants of Zgierz

There has never been such a party in Zgierz! In the evening of the last day of August (31.08.2023) Glitter Party took place in front of Stary Młyn (Old Mill). A bit like the well-known festival of colors, the young participants were sprinkled with glitter during the dance party. Music was provided by famous DJs.

In front of the venue, DJ CrossVader presented himself first, from 7 pm. Then DJ RoKo played his set, and the whole dance party lasted until 10 pm. Makeup artists with glitter were present during the event, and a contest for the most "glitter person" was also settled.

Where did the idea for the Glitter Party in Zgierz come from?

In accordance with the idea of the new youth policy, from this year the city listens much more carefully to the voice of the young inhabitants of Zgierz. Their opinion on the subject of actions taken is also crucial in connection with the implementation of the project "Zgierz - a modern city after hours".

- We are on the eve of a decision on how to equip the planned chillout zone at Boya-Żeleńskiego Street - explains Mirosława Sobolewska, Head of the Department of Urban Greenery of the City of Zgierz, who is also responsible in the project for the task of creating a chillout zone for young people. - A party with DJs is a great atraction for young people. We asked them what kind of equipment we should install in the relaxation zone at Osiedle 650-lecia.

Safe glitter, fun without alcohol

The outdoor dance meeting lasted three hours. At that time, glitter “arrows” were fired at those dancing in front of Old Mill: shiny dust showered the dancers thanks to special, hand-held launchers.

Glitter scattered in this way is safe for health and the environment. The organizers of the event also proposed an interesting, unusual way of talking to young people about the newly created chillout zone.

- Consultation is the most important here - emphasizes Sylwia Bełkowska from the Department of Health, Social Affairs and Senior Policy of the City Hall. - We were able to raise funds for the project, e.g. to create such a place for young people, so we want to ask them what it should look like and what it should contain. After all, they are supposed to feel good there.

The organization of the Glitter Party event was possible thanks to the participation of the Zgierz City Hall in the "Zgierz - a modern city after hours" project co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the Local Development programme. 

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