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City strategy and self-assessment training


City strategy and self-assessment training

Work on the Development Strategy for the City of Zgierz for 2023-2030 with a perspective until 2040 is coming to an end. The document will indicate what actions will be taken in the near future to constantly improve the living conditions of the city's inhabitants. The document was created by an external expert in close cooperation with the team established for this purpose as part of the "Zgierz - modern city after hours" project.

With the completion of the editorial work on the strategy document, the stage of public consultations begins, which will last from October 30 to December 4, 2023. The document itself is of key importance for the future of Zgierz, because it indicates the actions that should be taken so that the city becomes - gradually and regularly - an increasingly friendly place to live. The authors of the study demonstrated several of the most serious challenges facing city officials, including: the need to plan and implement environmental protection policy, strengthening cooperation between local government units and the task of digitization of public services.

The question remains how to implement the described actions. Participants of training workshops on self-assessment of strategic management, conducted by experts from the Association of Polish Cities, wondered about this. The meeting participants were members of the substantive team that participated in the development of the strategy document. Using a tool provided by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the most important challenges for the City were analyzed - and then ways of implementing them were indicated.

The results of the training workshops will be presented - in the form of specific recommendations - as a report to the Mayor of Zgierz. Both the development of a strategy for the city and the organization of training related to its implementation were carried out as part of the "Zgierz - modern city after hours" project co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the Local Development program. 

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