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Seniors’ Day in Zgierz


Seniors’ Day in Zgierz

Elderly people can feel really good in Zgierz: there is no shortage of cultural and recreational attractions for them, and the recently opened new Zgierz Senior Center (Narutowicza 29 street) is an ideal place for meetings and spending free time. On Saturday, November 4, we celebrated Seniors' Day locally.

There were so many people willing to celebrate that the ceremonial meeting had to be divided into three two-hour rounds - the special guest in the Stary Młyn auditorium was Zbigniew Zaranek, finalist of the 4th edition of the television show "The Voice Senior". There were other attractions (a performance by the Zgierz MOK dance group), and the meeting was hosted by Leszek Bonar, a well-known author of cultural programs on TVP (public broadcasting company) in Łódź.

The mayor of Zgierz also visited the seniors, expressing wishes and giving gifts.

- And to think that we started with just a few classes scattered around the city. Now seniors have their dream place at Narutowicza 29 and many offers under the Zgierz Senior Card, including meetings such as the city celebration of Seniors' Day - said Przemysław Staniszewski.

The senior policy of the Commune of Zgierz, which has been implemented for seven years, is considered a model throughout Poland of a well-run local government offer for older people. People who have the Zgierz Senior Card have the opportunity to take advantage of many attractions, benefits and facilities throughout the year. Their environment is integrated in the Zgierz Senior Center, whose new headquarters is located in a weaving house at Narutowicza 29. The center offers various forms of activities, from dance, sports (gym adapted to the capabilities of older people) to medical consultations.

The implementation of senior policy activities by the Zgierz City Hall is also one of the projects (PRL 4.5) of the "Zgierz - modern city after hours" project, co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the Local Development program. 

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