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The Development Strategy for the City of Zgierz has been adopted


The Development Strategy for the City of Zgierz has been adopted

Further documents, extremely important for the development of the city, were adopted by the Zgierz City Council. The following were approved: "Development Strategy of the City of Zgierz for 2023-2030 with a perspective until 2040" and "City Development Program based on the Smart City concept". The studies indicate the scope of actions that should be taken in the coming years to ensure that the City of Zgierz responds to the needs of its residents.

Development Strategy for the City of Zgierz for 2023-2030 with a perspective until 2040Work on the development of both texts has been ongoing since January 2023. They were carried out by a special team led by Dr. Michał Kudłacz from the College of Economy and Public Administration of the Krakow University of Economics. The team included specialists: employees of the Zgierz City Hall, units and institutions. Since the scopes of both projects are complementary, one working team was established to prepare both documents.

As part of the work, a comprehensive diagnosis was carried out covering all socio-economic, spatial, environmental and cultural aspects of life in Zgierz.

- The diagnosis is the foundation on which the city's long-term development goals will be based. It will allow us to precisely determine our strengths and areas that require special attention - said Przemysław Staniszewski, Mayor of Zgierz. - At the same time, we were working on the "City Development Program based on the Smart City concept". We want Zgierz to be not only a historic place, but also a modern place, adapted to contemporary challenges and the needs of its inhabitants.

The long-term development strategy of a commune is a key document for every local government: in addition to indicating specific actions to be performed, it facilitates obtaining external funds for the implementation of its own tasks. The almost year-long process of creating and then validating the Development Strategy for the City of Zgierz ended with a stage of benchmarking analyzes with the participation of other cities - as well as public consultations on the document, conducted at the end of 2023.

The development of two key documents for the future of Zgierz was made possible thanks to the City's participation in the project "Zgierz - a modern city after hours" co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the "Local Development" Program.

We encourage everyone to read the adopted documents:

  • Resolution No. LXXI/1054/2024 of the Zgierz City Council of January 25, 2024 on the adoption of the "Development Strategy of the City of Zgierz for 2023-2030 with a perspective until 2040" - link to the resolution

  • Resolution No. LXXI/1055/2024 of the Zgierz City Council of January 25, 2024 on the adoption of the document "Development Program of the City of Zgierz based on the SMART CITY concept" - link to the resolution

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